
Days have been feeling pretty blah recently.

If your days are blah then maybe you should try some of my therapeutic methods!

-Run at night.

-Find those fences that are all curvey to one side... the kind that are on bridges over the highway... hang up side down on it and let all the blood rush to your head and feel the zen.

-Climb onto those green signs that hang over the highway. Lay face forward on the meshy stuff. Watch all the cars zroom around under you. Listen to music such as remember by deadmause. it's seriously a cool feeling to be suspended twenty feet up almost with nothing and starring straight down, feeling the occasional rattle of a semi as it passes underneath. And all the cars sound like a waterfall. You gotta take what ya can in the city.

-Go to the skatepark and watch cool tricks. Feel jealous that all you do it run. laaaame. Actually that's not very therapeutic. But it's still fun.

This is not very adventurous post at all, but I am extremely apathetic about conference. And we have a good shot at winning. My excitement is bein extra shneaky and hiding. Bad time to go into hibernation, excited-ness. Come out come out wherever you are... I guess that's better than getting extra nervous. Hopefully if it' a close race between me and someone else at the end of the race I'll care enough to be able to try hard. Because right now I feel like I'd give her the duces sign as she cruised on past me.

I feel the opposite of when my toes get tingly to climb something huge and scary or the opposite of when I get all pumped to try a new skate trick. (Not that I really have tricks.)

Ok. Bye.


  1. Katharine!! there is a thing called the liebster award going around and I nominated you...go to my blog to check it out! (I promise this is not a hack even though it seems like it :) )



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