Past adventures.

#1. One time in church I was feelin' a lil more adventurous than prayerful so I shneaked up into the rafters of the roof above the ceiling. I had spied out this secret trap door entrance from mom's school. I just had to pile up a bunch of chairs, clamber on top of them, and then I could reach the trap door. Inside there was all this storage stuff. Past the boxes of junk, I had to wriggle through a bunch of pink fluffy itchy stuff and those big silver tubey things till I got to the big open roof part. Big and dark, I could hear all the singing below. I then scuttled around in the dusty rafters like a shneaky rat right above everyone's unsuspecting heads! Kinda creepy... so it goes. After I had my fill of creepy rat time I returned to church. I don't think anyone noticed my suspiciously dusty paws.

#2 One boring night I biked to this art thing that was a ton of ladders all roped and glued together into a massive ladder clump. Climbing heaven, my precious!! I had for a long time eyed the massive ladder clump longingly, but the traffic there was utterly too intense. Some fun sucker was bound to sucker me out. So finally I was climbing around in the dark jammin out to some tunes havin' a blast. There were just so many routes and places to swing and crawl and spider about. I was a little worried that some of the ladders were not meant to be climbed on and would break (there was a no climbing sign.) But none of them broke. And there were allll kinds of ladders! Little ones, tall ones, old ones, an American flag one, upside down ones. And they were all pokin' out every which-way. On the tippy top most ladder I had a perfect view of the big golden moon. (I bet I enjoyed that darn ladder art more than anyone else.)

Then I heard a voice from the dark shadows. So I went and talked to the voice. It was some guy who liked working out at night, dont really remember why. Just for some strange reason like he didn't want people to see him or something? So we talked some, and I offered to show him one of my best adventure spots. We rode our bikes down the path to this forest place and went twisting and twining away into the trees to this hobo lair which Carlos and Valerie said is not very cool at all (meanies!) I remember asking my strange acquaintance if he didn't think it a little dangerous to hang out with strangers? He said that I should just feel the vibes, like if they're good or no. I asked if he would tell his daughter that, and he said yes. So I felt the vibes, and they felt fine so we hung out some more. He was a Jamaican hair dresser and forty or something. After awhile I got bored talking and decided to go home when all of a sudden he grabbed my wrist. Haha jk. He didn't grab me. The end.

guess that's enough blathering for one night!


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